Research in the News

Economic impacts of abortion access

Stateline: Abortion bans could reverse decline in teen births, experts warn, 11/20/24 link

Bloomberg News: Abortion Bans Will Unravel Decades of Economic Progress, 8/23/22 link

The Guardian: The profound, long-lasting costs of banning abortion, 8/2/22 link

ThirdWay: The economic impacts of overturning Roe, 7/14/22 link

Vox:  5 ways abortion bans could hurt women in the workforce, 5/19/22 link

Grid: What does Janet Yellen know about the economic effects of abortion?, 5/18/22 link

Flatwater Free Press: What abortion for Nebraskans looks like post Roe v Wade, 5/19/22 link

Boston Globe: Corporate America can’t hide from Roe v. Wade, 5/5/22 link

The Hill: Reproductive well-being of future generations is hanging in the balance, 3/2/20 link

DAME Magazine: Abortion access is an economic issue for everyone, 10/14/19 link

CNBC: Birth control access has contributed to women’s wage increases, 9/26/19 link

NBC News: Title X rule defunding Planned Parenthood another blow to low income women, 8/23/19 link

Global Gag Rule 

Huffington Post, Abortion restrictions tied to foreign aid threaten fight against AIDS, 6/7/18 link

The New Yorker, Trump Makes the Global Gag Rule on Abortion Even Worse, 1/25/17 link

New York Times, Silence on Abortion Equals Death, 1/24/17 link

Slate FR, Trump bloque les financements pour les ONG internationales pro-avortement, 1/24/17 link

The Atlantic, Trump Strikes at Abortion with a Revived Foreign-Aid Rule, 1/23/17 link

The Nation, Trump’s Anti-Abortion Order is Actually Likely to Increase Abortions, 1/23/17 link

The Cut, It’s Not Just American Women Who May Be Harmed by Trump’s Presidency, 11/21/16 link

Newsweek, How to Defuse the Population Bomb, 12/18/14 link

Economics of HIV

CNBC Africa, Drought Increases Spread of HIV in Africa: Report, 6/18/15

Voice of America, Drought-related Hardship raises HIV, Study Finds, 6/20/15 link

Paid family leave 

Wisconsin Public Radio: How expanding paid leave could ease working parents’ woes, 2/1/22 link

Medium: Paid family leave is a matter of life and death, 9/11/20 link


International Business Times, Orange Sweet Potatoes Help Prevent Diarrhea, 6/17/15 link

Voice of America, Scientists Fight Disease with Sweet Potatoes, 6/15/15 link